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Mistake Log

Learn how to set up your mistake log workflow in just a few clicks!

Tasos Efkarpidis avatar
Written by Tasos Efkarpidis
Updated over a week ago


Identifying and addressing problems early on is essential to team success. Geekbot's mistake log is the perfect way to track things that go wrong, allowing anyone to note mistakes in Slack or Microsoft Teams. When paired with the Geekbot dashboard, you can analyze past data and learn how to avoid similar errors moving forward.

How to add this workflow

It's a simple 4-step process:

1. Add Geekbot to your workspace/team

2. Select the Mistake Log templates page

3. Include your teammates from the Participants block

4. Select a broadcast channel to post your reports

And don't forget to publish your settings πŸ™

You're all done! Leave it to Geekbot to tell your team about the new workflow and give them a heads-up about when the first one will arrive πŸ’«

Best practices

  1. Being the first to log your mistakes will encourage your teammates to follow suit (and be open, it helps!)

  2. Make a habit of analyzing mistakes and discussing how things can be improved.

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