Geekbot wants life to be simple and affordable for all.
We're running a limited time offer in which we offer Geekbot, totally free for up to 10 Participants. Our monthly subscription costs $3 per user per month. And it drops even more if you pay for 12 months upfront: the annual plan works out at only $2.5 per user per month when paid in one lump sum ๐ฎ
Do you qualify for exclusive pricing? Let's see. If you're a not-for-profit or educational organization, we may be able to offer you a special package: send us a message at our live support to find out if your company is eligible for our dedicated pricing plan.
...and what about a free trial? Geekbot offers that too โ everyone gets 30 days of full Geekbot, absolutely free, when they sign up.
No functionality lost, lots of time saved โฐ