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Can I edit my answers?

Quickly edit your answers and always keep your work updated

Mitch Georgiadis avatar
Written by Mitch Georgiadis
Updated over a month ago

You've submitted your answers but forgot to add a few details. Now you want to add them in, no sweat!

Below you'll find how to do so on both Slack and MS Teams πŸ˜‰

In Slack:

Go to your direct messages with Geekbot and click Edit my report .


A window will open where you can edit all answers at once (maybe correcting a small typo here and there 🀫).


Click Submit, and you're done! The answers will update in the broadcast channel and the dashboard.

For those looking to delete their reports entirely, deleting all your answers (instead of editing them) will do the trick.

Go to each answer, head to the message actions, and click Edit message.


Delete your answer, then click Save Changes


Your report will then disappear from both the channel and the dashboard.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Both ways work in case you just want to edit a report.

In MS Teams:

Head to the Geekbot app in MS Teams where you'll find an Edit report button.

Click the button, your report will magically appear, and you can update your answers right in the pop-up.

Click Update, and you're done!

The answers will update in the broadcast channel and the dashboard.

And one last thing: if you're looking to delete your reports completely, simply delete your answers (instead of editing them).

Do this by going to each answer, heading to the message actions, and then clicking Edit

Delete your answer and press βœ… .

Your report will then disappear from both the channel and the dashboard.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Both ways work in case you just want to edit a report.

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